Rhode Island’s Democrat Gov Tells Residents ‘Stay Home’ Before Visiting Wine Bar

Democratic Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo
Democratic Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo without a mask

Democratic Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo was reportedly seen “drinking at a wine bar” just days after demanding fellow citizens stay at home to slow the spread of the deadly Coronavirus.

“Democratic Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo was seen drinking at a wine bar just four days after reminding citizens to comply with coronavirus restrictions and stay home except for essential activities,” reports the Daily Caller.

“Photos published by Turtleboy Sports and the libertarian group Liberty Rhode Island reportedly show Raimondo sitting in a local restaurant for a ‘wine and paint’ night without a mask. The photo was taken by Erica Oliveras, who said she was also at the event at Barnaby’s Public House in Providence, Rhode Island, according to ABC 6 News,” adds the website.