Trump Lawyer shows House Managers have Lied


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As a nation we are told by those who favor having these proceedings that we have to do it for accountability but anyone truly interested in real acccountability for what happened at the Capitol on January 6th would of course insist on waiting for a full investigation to be completed.

Indeed, one is underway in earnest, already intent on getting to the bottom of what happened. Anyone interested in ensuring that it’s truly the one, or one’s responsible from whom accountability is sought, would more than willingly wait for the actual evidence, especially with new evidence coming in every day about pre-planning, about those who were involved and about their agenda bearing no relationship to the claims made by the House Managers.

The Democrats have mocked Republicans for four years. They’ve called their fellow Americans who believe in their country and their Constitution, “deplorables” and the latest talk is that they need to “de-program” those who supported Donald Trump and the Grand Old Party. But at the end of the day this is not just about Donald Trump or any individual, this is about the Constitution and abusing the Impeachment power for political gain.

And to help the nation heal we now learn that the house managers in their wisdom, have hired a movie company and a large law firm to create, manufacture and splice for this trial, a package designed by experts to chill and horrify you. They want to put you through a 16-hour presentation over two days focusing on this as if it were some sort of blood sport.

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