United States

Oscars produce some very odd viewing

Former President Donald Trump mocked the 2021 Oscars for receiving the lowest ratings in history, suggesting the failure was intertwined with Hollywood promoting the Democratic Party.

Democrat Leaders not promoting peaceful growth for their constituent’s

This article is not commenting on George Floyd, nor the police involved. This article is focused on how the Democrat leaders and the media are engaged in the narrative and share in the ideals of the continuing violence.

Washington declares another shooting as racially based.

Some political representatives and news media are irresponsibly projecting tragic events to be racially based before all the facts are known. This needs to stop as it's fuelling division, feeding a political narrative and is absolutely reckless. Once again, before an investigation had been completed.

Protesters say Guilty Verdict not enough

Journalist Ami Horowitz interviewed protesters in Minneapolis as the jury announced their verdict, and their reactions to Chauvin’s conviction.

Biden says guilty again before an investigation or trial

On two separate occasions now, Biden has called for the arrest of people who did not do anything wrong. This clearly is not what I would refer to as exemplary leadership skills in bringing a nation together.

CNN deliberately engaging in propaganda

The CNN director openly admit the network's main task was to bring down Donald Trump. But damaging a president wasn't enough. They also needed to prop up the flailing and ailing Joe Biden, who was mostly calling an early-lid on the campaign from his basement. Isn't this an example of engaging in propaganda?

Dem Maxine Waters Incites Violence

You have to ask yourself, how is this 'not' inciting violence. She clearly says that everyone should be confrontational. Maxine Waters has also passed judgement and said the defendant is '... guilty, guilty, guilty...' This is a clear example of mob mentality justice at work.

Drug Cartels Control the Border

Border Patrol agents say the majority of the single adults they apprehend are men who say they are looking for work such as picking produce, roofing and dishwashing. But an unknown number of them are also members of or being used by drug cartels. According to retired U.S. Marshal Robert Almonte, drug cartels control “all of the activity” on the border.

BLM Leader Allegedly Smears Human Waste on Seated Lincoln Statue

[cmsmasters_row][cmsmasters_column data_width=”1/1″][cmsmasters_text] BLM (Black Lives Matter) leader Terry Joe Wilson, 37, was arrested Tuesday night for vandalizing former President Abraham Lincoln’s statue in Idaho by smearing human waste over it. Wilson has also been a vocal critic of former President Donald Trump. It’s especially ironic that Wilson vandalized the statue of the former president that freed slaves in the United States. Wilson identified himself as a student and faculty member at Boise State University and was originally reported as the school’s Black Lives Matter chapter spokesman. However, an update from the school provided by The Daily Wire stated the following: “UPDATE: Bois State University told The Daily Wire Thursday that despite Wilson identifying hims...[Read More]

Pure Corruption $1.9t Stimulus Package

Schumer and Pelosi sneak funding into the stimulus package to save them from their own failures. Democratic lawmakers are abusing the new COVID relief bill to save themselves from their own failures at the expense of the American taxpayer. Democrats like Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Leader Chuck Schumer claim they are creating the relief packages for the common man and woman but when you take a closer look, you will realize their bill is jam packed with personal agendas. The new stimulus package will be erasing San Francisco’s projected $650 million deficit which grew as a result to Democrats’, specifically Nancy Pelosi’s, poor management. The package will also be erasing Chuck Schumer’s deficit in New York. Spokesman for Schumer, Angelo Roefaro tweeted of the “American Res...[Read More]

Fake News Narrative

Left Biased Media and Democrat Politicians chirp in on the Super Spreader narrative, not even Dr Fauci was right with this. They all still believe however that "illegal" immigrants who have tested positive for Covid can still be let into the country.

Biden Blunders On

Every time Biden talks, there's always the calculated risk that he's going to give us a 'Biden-ism'. Because he is older than an awful lot of presidents, I think many people are trying to read into it, you know, is he losing his facility?"

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