Page 12 – Political Puff

ICE to deport 1m illegal immigrants

During the Obama admin there were more than 80K times someone was here illegally, got caught, convicted of a crime & was released back out into the public. We either have the rule of law or we don’t.

The Border Wall flip flop

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Muellers Legacy

An impeachment inquiry becomes an all-encompassing endeavor. While ongoing, it tends to push into the background, almost to the point of oblivion, all other legislative work. It certainly sucks oxygen from the rest of Congress’ other executive-administrative oversight functions. The Mueller report gives Democrats good reason to verbally bash Trump. As for the substance of impeachment, the Mueller report provides too little fodder for a serious attempt to charge the president with “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Obviously there was not enough evidence to justify a charge of illegal conspiracy with Russian entities. The obstruction of justice question is more nuanced. Mueller’s investigation into Trump’s election campaign and accusations of Russian involvement foun...[Read More]

Running for President 2020

“if we want to beat Donald Trump and achieve big progressive goals, socialism is not the answer.” John Hickenlooper John Hickenlooper, a former governor of Colorado and mayor of Denver, stood before several thousand of the Democratic party’s most liberal activists and was boo’ed over the things he said. Things such as “socialism is not the answer.” And that most people don’t want to give up their private health insurance for a government-run system. And that “we shouldn’t try to tackle climate change by guaranteeing every American a government job,”. “Medicare for all may sound good, but it’s actually not good policy, nor is it good politics.” John Delaney Former Maryland congressman John Delaney criticized the proposed single-payer system that its ...[Read More]

Former FBI in the limelight

The FBI fired Peter Strzok in August of 2018, a top agent who was in Mueller’s team investigating the Trump campaign’s Russian ties. The firing was in response to the discovery that he had regularly sent politically charged text messages to a colleague and lover, Lisa Page expressing his contempt for Trump. It is alleged that his bias may have helped create the Russian collusion narrative that the media has been running with for almost 2 years. Strzok played a central role in the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server and helped launch the counterintelligence investigation into links between Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and Russia.  Former FBI lawyer Lisa Page and former FBI agent Peter Strzok discussed a so-called “insurance polic...[Read More]

Gates of Impeachment

Images: Jerry Nadler (Dem) – Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee , William Barr (Rep)- Attorney General and Bob Mueller (Dem) Special Counsel. Chairman Jerry Nadler specifically cites Attorney General William Barr as a liar, yet Mueller on Wednesday went out of his way to call Barr honorable. A day later, Mueller and Barr issued a joint statement insisting they have no conflicts about the report. “Impeachment is a political act, and you cannot impeach a president if the American people will not support it” . Chairman J. Nadler But his party’s left wing is howling for it, as are many of its presidential candidates. To appease the left, he is going to educate the public about Trump’s evil. “We have to get the facts out. We have to hold a series of hearings, we have to hold the in...[Read More]

Increasing tariffs’ Mexico

There is nothing new in this approach, previous administrations have tried to pressure the Mexican government to do more to stem the flow of migrants and to combat drugs and other crime. But no president has used the kind of blunt-force threat that Mr. Trump wielded. Mexico’s president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced he was sending his foreign minister to Washington, D.C., on Friday to negotiate with U.S. officials ahead of a June 10 deadline set by Trump. Over 30 million voters in Mexico gave this new president an historic landslide victory, which he won with over 50 percent of the votes. But today, six months after the new leader took office on December 1st, things are not looking quite as expected. Most of Mexico’s voters had hinged on his promises ...[Read More]

Impeachment Hysteria

The Mueller report was clearly not the end of the Democratic witch-hunt. Let’s just break this down. The final dollar amount of Mueller’s probe is estimated between $32 and $35 million. About 30 or so House Democrats out of the 238 are pursuing the Impeachment path. Also, this doesn’t appear to reflect the general public’s position at all and is merely a sign of the ‘loud squeaky wheel screaming for attention’. I’m talking about the frenzied media who have not relented in their effort to silence the ‘fake news’ radar. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sought to simmer down the intensifying calls to impeach President Donald Trump on Wednesday by stressing patience and highlighting that only a small number of Democrats are calling for the move.  ...[Read More]

US Economy under Trump

The U.S. economy recorded a 3.2 percent GDP growth rate in the first quarter of this year. MSNBC also described the quarterly growth as “extraordinary.” MSNBC YouTube – 1:35mins Liberals have been predicting an impending recession for months. Frustrated with the success of President Trump’s middle-class tax cuts, that they had claimed would result in “Armageddon”. Washington Post Youtube – 1:36 min Democrats next argued that the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) would only produce a “sugar high” for the economy. MSNBC YouTube – 2:46 mins The unemployment rate, which currently stands at an impressive 3.8 percent, has been hovering near a 50-year low for a full year now. Even with a record number of people already employed, there are significantly more job openings available in ...[Read More]

Joe Biden enters the Race

Joe Biden, the former Vice President of the United States, has run for the office of President of the United States twice before, both unsuccessfully. Biden announced today that he is in once again for the long haul hoping to win over the Democrats hearts and votes at the Primaries. According to Gallup Polls [Note 1], the general public have a more favorable view and opinion of Biden (56%) than towards Trump (32%). MSNBC YouTube – 3:31 mins. But barely seven hours in, there came a reminder of some of Biden’s most glaring vulnerabilities, with a flare-up of the 1990s drama surrounding Anita Hill that reverberated with racial and gender overtones. Archive footage of the hearings show a picture of an African American woman confronting skepticism about her claims from a hostile com...[Read More]

Border Security

Former acting ICE director Tom Homan [Note 1] says Democratic leadership has not done one thing to fix the crisis at the U.S. – Mexico border. Fox News YouTube – 5:15 mins. Faced with falling morale, increasing retirements and a shortage of new agents, U.S. Customs and Border Protection announced a 5 percent bonus for agents willing to stay with the agency another year. John Bash (Western District of Texas, US Attorney) says due to a massive number of apprehensions of illegal immigrants on the southern border, there are less Border Patrol agents in the field. And, the U.S. is on target to receive more migrants at the southern border. BBC News YouTube 2:57 mins. Democrats have largely avoided talking about border-security ideas. Most of the party’s presidential candidates have f...[Read More]

Impeachment Drive by the Democrats

Any President can be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi [Note 1], said that she was “not there yet” in supporting the initiation of impeachment proceedings. The question of impeachment is consuming a great deal of energy from the Democrats, who may not be able to pursue this path to the end. Some members within the party are also questioning this direction and would like to focus on the issues that they consider are more important for the country. There have ever only been two Presidents [note 2] who have been impeached in the past and zero who have been removed from office. At least three [note 3] Democratic presidential candidates have continued their call for impeachm...[Read More]

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